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Our Salt Cave Why...

We decided that our salon needed a little something extra to benefit our clients.  After experiencing Halo Therapy ourselves, we discovered that this was the piece to the puzzle we were missing.

Mark had a vision of what our Salt Cave should look like.  He turned that vision into reality

and created the cave with his own two hands!

What is Salt Therapy?

The treatment offers a unique, natural therapy that allows you to get a sense of peace and serenity, while simply breathing. The salt air is made up of negatively-charged ionized salt particles, 84 trace elements and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, bromine, copper, selenium, and iron. These particles help to clear all pollens, viruses, pollutants, and toxins of the lungs and nasal passageways, which in essence works to treat and prevent illness. The salt also works to heal the body as soon as its negative ions enter the nasal passageway, which then travel through the respiratory tract and into the bloodstream to be dispersed throughout the body.

Salt Therapy Benefits

Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy that is provided in man-made environments, utilizing special equipment called a halogenerator that disperses a precise dry salt aerosol into the salt room or chamber.

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Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin bronchial and nasal secretions. Improved drainage allows for a reduction in contaminants that may trigger or prolong allergic episodes. Additionally, salt's ability to absorb edema from swollen mucosa linings in the sinuses and respiratory tract opens airways to bring about the quick relief of symptoms. 

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Over a series of sessions, inhalation of dry salt·aerosol will bring about the improvement of mucociliary clearance and the decrease of bronchial inflammation, the decrease or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, and a reduction of bronchial hyper-responsiveness. 
This translates into better lung function, fewer spasmodic attacks, and clearer air passages. Naturally, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory sodium chloride particles are carried into the deepest recesses of the·bronchial system due to the unique aerosol dispersal system and the microscopic size of the particles. 

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The multiple effects of Dry Salt Therapy work to cleanse the respiratory system and speed up the elimination of toxins in the body. Inflammation is reduced due to the natural properties of the inhaled salt particles, which also thin bronchial and nasal secretions. The smallest microparticles of salt reach the lower respiratory system and work as a 'bronchial toothbrush" for the airways. 

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Dry Salt Therapy has an immediate remedial effect on the symptoms of colds and flu. Breathing becomes easier as inhaled salt aerosol naturally absorbs edema from swollen air passages and thins mucus secretions so that drainage is easier. The dispersal system of microscopic salt particles used in this therapy allows the salt aerosol to be taken deep into these cavities, bringing the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action-to the root of the problem. Relief from the irritation of sticky mucus secretions and debris calms and quiets coughs. 

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The hydrophilic and mucokinetic action of inhaled salt particles thins unnaturally thick and sticky mucus, clearing accumulated secretions and unclogging passages in the bronchi and bronchiole. Other benefits are the absorption of edema from the mucosa lining of the airways and the reduction of inflammation in the respiratory tract and sinuses. 

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Relief of edema from swollen tissues widens passages, improving drainage and increasing aeration behind the tympanic membrane, reducing infection in the pockets where bacteria often builds due to the collected fluid. 
Due to the particle size of the pure grade sodium chloride (salt), relief from sinus infections is also achieved through the dry salt particles penetrating deep into the respiratory system. Inflammation of the infected sinus cavities is reduced, and relief is achieved quickly as mucus secretions become thinner and are able to drain properly, removing trapped pockets of debris and bacteria.  


Most basically, snoring and sleep apnea caused by obstructed air passages is relieved due to the antiemetic and anti-inflammatory properties of salt particles. 
Air passages are opened and widened, and spasm of inflamed irritated tissue and smooth muscles are modulated, 
so restful breathing can be achieved. Many subjects have found relief from sleep apnea previously treated by drugs or sleep machines in a single session, with results improving daily as the series progressed. 


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214 CENTER STREET | WALLINGFORD, CT 06492 | 203.269.3400 | 203.506.6556

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